Project for Handling Credit Card Data using PKI The demo class can be seen here: demo This is one of my first contemporary attempts at creating an infrstructure for security at scripps. Past attempts have not succeeded. See AppSec. It is interesting to note that the demo is a 'complete round trip' in that for every request it is generating a simple digital signing keypair, a more complex encryption keypair. Wrapping the complex keypair into individually ascii armoured documents, writing said docs to disk, then turning around and reading the public key, using it to encrypt the message, writing that to disk, then reading the private key and message from disk in order to perform the decryption. The demo is using IBM's JDK2-13 and tomcat4 under linux on a 400 mhz pentium 2 and is very responsive. The code breaks down into a couple classes: com.scripps.pki.keystore * `PGPKeyBundle` createKey( String `algorythm`, int size, String name, String email, String passphrase )
throws InvalidAlgorythmException,
InvalidPassPhraseException ;
* `KeyBundleID` saveKey( `PGPKeyBundle` ) throws IOException, InvalidPGPKeyBundleException ; * `KeyBundleID` `findKeyBundleID`( String name ) throws NoKeyBundleFoundException ; com.scripps.encryptor * String encrypt( `KeyBundleID` kbid, String message ) throws `InvalidKeyBundleIDException`, InvalidMessageException; com.scripps.decryptor * String decrypt( `KeyBundleID` kbid, String passphrase, String ciphertext ) throws `InvalidKeyBundleIDException`,IncorrectPassPhraseException ; CcPkiTimeLine For more info contact BrianBruce 02/25/2002
public interface com.scripps.crypto.EncryptorInterface
	public String encrypt( String key, String message ) ;
public interface com.scripps.crypto.DecryptorInterface
	public String decrypt( String key, String ciphertext ) ;

public com.scripps.crypto.XorEncryptor implements 
	public static String encrypt( String Key, String Message )
					 char buffer[] = Message.toCharArray() ;
					 char key[] = Key.toCharArray() ;
					 int bi = 0 ;
					 int ki = 0 ;
					 while( bi < buffer.length ) 
						 buffer[bi] ^= key[ki] ;
						 bi ++ ;
						 if( ++ ki > key.length )
							 ki = 0 ;
					 return new String(buffer);
		  public static String decrypt(String Key, String Ciphertext ) 
			  char buffer[] = Ciphertext.toCharArray() ;
			  char key[] = Key.toCharArray() ;
			  int bi = 0 ;
			  int ki = 0 ;
			  while( bi < buffer.length ) 
				  buffer[bi] ^= key[ki] ;
				  bi ++ ;
				  if( ++ ki > key.length )
					  ki = 0 ;
			  return new String(buffer);