Scripps' Classifieds Project Names: * MAAP - Much Anticipated Advertising Platform * SEDFAM - Squeezing Extra Dollars From Advertising Model * IAP - Integrated Advertsing Platform * HAWAII - How Advertising Was Almost Internet Inhibited * Make up your own TheRealClassifiedsQuestion Goals: I hope to establish a framework for advertising that allows Scripps to unify the management of advertising both online ond off. Initially focusing on print, but possibly having applications on the category and broadcast sides as well. In essence, I view the problem as a matter of friction. Since the majority of our income comes from advertising it follows that: * we should endeavor to make it easy for advertisers to give us advertising materials, * we should make it easier for us to accept those advertisements, * we should make it easier for us to deploy those advertisements, and * we should make it easier to connect consumers to clients via their advertisements. Classifieds Technical Design Goals: * create plugin api's to allow the flexibility to plugin upsell features, possibly even controlled/contributed by the BU's. * create services independent of fast forward so that FF and non FF sites can enjoy a common advertising platform. This will also allow us the flexibility to upgrade FF independent of advertising. Scope: * TradtionalClassifieds * TopAds * DisplayAds * InsertionOrders * AdRover * AdTaker * CallCenter * AdMinder * AdCenter Docs: Use Cases: *PublicUser - BrowseAds - SearchAds - TopAds - HGTV Classifieds - Boulder Classifieds - Naples GoShop
SearchCases BrowseCases *`Advertiser` *SiteAdmin *CallCenter Feeds: *FeedsForLiners *FeedsForDisplayAds *`FeedsForIPIX` *FeedsForPowerOne *FeedsForEmploymentWizard *FeedsForCityFeet *FeedsForCareerCast * RecursiveReentrantFeeds Technology: * IPIX RimFire will likely be used to ease the image submition process. * Ektron WebEditPro might be used for text composition. * HandmadeSw Image Alchemy or ImageMagick may be used for image display and manipulation online. * Aladin ghostScript ma be used for postscript creation and manipulation for print. Design: * ClassPublicInterfaceFlow * ClassAdminInterfaceFlow Datamodel: Status: Schedule: CommentsFromThePmo