Danger Pudding is an extremely rich pudding/carmel made simply from milk and sugar. A single can of DangerPudding is 1300 calories, has 100% of your daily suggested calcium and 50% of your total daily fat. It called danger pudding because the process for making it is considered 'dangerous'. It really just involves and lot of heat and pressure, but we assume that risk for you. The result is richest carmel pudding you've ever had. A single 13 oz. can should be more than plenty for any mortal. Orders of more than 4 cans are certain to get a raised eyebrow. A dozen cans might attract goverment scrutiny. A single can is $5.00, shipping is $x.xx 2 cans are $8 4 cans are 15 6 cans are 22 12 cans is 40 shirts are $18