DisplayAds Development Notes Manifest Notes: * category= the Display Ads category id * subcategory= the Display Ads sub category ( not implimented ) * class= classifieds gen_sub id * sic= sic code for lookup up date category from a site specific map. Interesting note, from talking to Bob: Many sites may start using Print2Web as their displayads service. Why, when our in house stuff is free and offers the same features? It is because the out of house software costs. It turns out it is a lot easier to get the OU's to put time into supplying the needed data etc when they are paying for the service. Current pricing is $4 and up. DisplayAds is doing at least 400 bucks a day at that rate. 2800 bucks on sundays. Hmmm, that 400 x 5 + 2800 = $4800/month that they's rather be paying. Clearly, I gotsta GetPaid.