Here is an example of using java .properties files taken from the `CCPKI` project.
	 import java.sql.* ;

	 import java.util.Properties ;

	 import java.IO.File ;

	 File f = new File( "com/scripps/crypto/" ) ;

	 if( f.exists() )


		  Properties p = new Properties() ;

		  p.load( new FileInputStream( f ) ) ;

		  System.out.println("loading jdbc properties from " + f  + "\n" + p) ;
		  Class.forName( p.getProperty( "jdbc.class" ) ) ;

		  conn = DriverManager.getConnection(

					p.getProperty( "jdbc.connectString" ), 

					p.getProperty( "jdbc.dbLogin"),

					p.getProperty( "jdbc.dbPass" ) ) ;

The corresponding file then looks like : jdbc.class=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver jdbc.dbLogin=scott jdbc.dbPass=tiger