This is the current version of the SHNS infrastructure: digraph Shns { subgraph clusterDC { Editor -> LocalDropZone -> SyndicationMultiplexor ; SHNSWebSite ; } edge[style=dashed] ; SyndicationMultiplexor -> LexusNexus ; subgraph clusterKnoxville { SyndicationMultiplexor -> KnoxvilleStoryDrop ; edge[style=solid] ; KnoxvilleStoryDrop -> SHNSDB ; SHNSDB -> LegacyColdFusionPages ; SHNSDB -> XMLScripts ; edge[style=dashed] ; XMLScripts -> SHNSWebSite ; edge[style=solid] ; SHNSDB -> ContextCartridge -> EditorSearch -> Editors ; SHNSDB -> FFFeeds -> FFCore -> FFCMA -> OtherFFSites; } node[shape=box] ; CoreNote[label="Each of these\nsteps occurs\nin VGNP"] ; CoreNote -> FFCore ; } And here is the preposed architecture: digraph Shns { LexusNexus ; subgraph clusterDC { Editor -> LocalDropZone ; } subgraph clusterKnoxville { edge[style=dashed] ; LocalDropZone -> KnoxvilleStoryDrop ; edge[style=solid] ; KnoxvilleStoryDrop -> SHNSDB ; KnoxvilleStoryDrop -> Verity ; SHNSDB -> LegacyColdFusionPages ; SHNSDB -> SHNSWebSite ; SHNSDB -> EditorSearch ; Verity -> EditorSearch -> Editors ; Verity -> SHNSWebSite ; SHNSDB -> FFFeeds -> FFCore -> FFCMA -> OtherFFSites; } KnoxvilleStoryDrop ->[dir=back] LexusNexus ; } I've been talking to CraigHubbs about verity for this.