This is the current version of the SHNS infrastructure: digraph Shns { subgraph clusterDC { ShnsDC[shape=plaintext]; Editor -> LocalDropZone -> SyndicationMultiplexor ; SHNSWebSite ; } edge[style=dashed] ; SyndicationMultiplexor -> LexusNexus ; subgraph clusterKnoxville { KnoxvilleHosting[shape=plaintext]; SyndicationMultiplexor -> KnoxvilleStoryDrop ; edge[style=solid] ; KnoxvilleStoryDrop -> SHNSDB ; SHNSDB -> LegacyColdFusionPages[color=red label="needs caching"] ; XMLScripts[color=blue style=filled fillcolor=red] ; SHNSDB -> XMLScripts ; //edge[style=dashed color=red label=SOAP] ; XMLScripts -> SHNSWebSite[style=dashed color=red label=SOAP] ; edge[style=solid] ; ContextCartridge[style=filled fillcolor=red] SHNSDB -> ContextCartridge -> EditorSearch -> Editors ; SHNSDB -> FFFeeds -> FFCore -> FFCMA -> OtherFFSites; //edge[style=dashed weight=1] ; //EditorSearch -> SHNSWebSite ; //EditorSearch -> XMLScripts ; } // node[shape=box] ; // CoreNote[label="Each of these\nsteps occurs\nin VGNP"] ; // CoreNote -> FFCore ; } And here is the proposed architecture: digraph Shns { subgraph clusterDC { ShnsDC[shape=plaintext]; Editor -> LocalDropZone ; } LexusNexus ; subgraph clusterKnoxville { KnoxvilleHosting[shape=plaintext]; edge[style=dashed] ; LocalDropZone -> KnoxvilleStoryDrop ; edge[style=solid] ; KnoxvilleStoryDrop -> SHNSDB ; KnoxvilleStoryDrop -> Verity ; SHNSDB -> LegacyColdFusionPages[color=green label="with caching"] ; SHNSDB -> SHNSWebSite[color=green] ; SHNSDB -> EditorSearch ; Verity[fillcolor=green style=filled] ; Verity -> EditorSearch[color=green] ; EditorSearch -> Editors ; Verity -> SHNSWebSite[color=green] ; ShnsFFQueue[fillcolor=green style=filled] ; SHNSDB -> ShnsFFQueue -> FFFeeds[color=green] -> FFCore -> FFCMA -> OtherFFSites; } edge[style=dashed dir=back color=green]; LexusNexus ->KnoxvilleStoryDrop; } After talking to DavidJohnson we decided the plan for attach is: * First, use verity to speed up the editors search * Audit and enforce CF caching on legacy sites. * Introduce a feed queue for the FF system to poll for new content without hitting the SHNSDB * Look at feeding LexusNexus out of the Knoxville. ( How do cancellations get sent to LN? ) They will be prep'ed to move the rest of the site to knoxville. I've been talking to CraigHubbs, BobbyParks and JeffDunn about the effects of this on our end and what their suggestions might be.